sharing together. growing together. serving together.

At Bonsack United Methodist Church, we strive to alleviate the physical, emotional, and spiritual hungers of the world - especially those in the Greater Roanoke Community. Get involved by joining us on Sunday mornings, and throughout the week in ministry and service.

IN-PERSON and online service on sundays

at 10:30 a.m.

All are welcome!

Bonsack UMC Celebrates 150 years of ministry and mission sharing the love of Christ in their community

Honoring our Past

Celebrating Our Gifts of today

Preparing for our bright future

In september join us beginning at 10:30 AM- children's church provided during the worship service

September 8:  Guest Preachers, REv. Tim Craft and Rev. Emily Turner

                                Dedication of new playground

                                Light lunch provided

September 15:  Guest Preacher, Rev. Tim Tate

                                  Brunch provided

September 22:  Guest Preacher, Rev. Doug Forrester

                                  Special music

                                  Lunch provided 

September 29:  Rev. Rob Lough will preach at the final 150th Anniversary service

                                 Appetizers served after worship  

reconciling ministry

An Open confession from the People of Bonsack United Methodist Church to the LGBTQIA+   Community


You are the beautiful and beloved child of God, yet we declared you an abomination.

You are formed in the image of Jesus Christ, but we said you should be something other than the one God created you to be.

You are worthy of love and relationship, but we denied you the opportunity to marry in our sacred spaces.

You are called to lead the people of God, but we asked you to change in order to fulfill your calling.


We should have been your family, but we cast you out; we should have loved you, but hate spewed from our lips. We should have shared the hope of the Scriptures, but we made the Word of God into a weapon against you. We should have cared for you in your times of fear, anxiety, distress and discernment, but we turned you away.


We, the Church of Jesus Christ, confess these sins. We acknowledge the hurt we have caused and the lies we inserted as truth. We vow to turn from our broken ways. We beg your forgiveness. We ask God's help to be the family of faith you have always deserved, a family of love, acceptance, admiration, belonging and shared purpose. We covenant to be a community in which you feel safe and loved. We pledge to be your allies in the fight for justice.


Forgive us, we pray. In the name of Christ.